The following is a day by day account of the Boer War, from its origins, through its heaviest fighting and bloodiest battles, to its conclusion. The information was gathered from the monumental eight-volume book called South Africa and the Transvaal War. It was written by an unabashad supporter of the British Empire and its war against the Boers, and the author does not hide his bias at all: the Boers are depicted as ruffians, villains, and illegitimate rulers of their own lands. Every Boer success is lamented, while every British victory - no matter how small - is glorified.
Despite these obvious short comings in the source materials, the timeline is amazingly detailed and accurate. And so we have reproduced it here, exactly as it appeared in the original work, without editing out the author's obvious pro-British slant. Please keep this in mind when reading this timeline of the Boer War.
The First Boer war.
- 1851.—First Basuto war.
- 1852.—Sand River Convention, granting independence to Transvaal Boers.
- 1853.—Province of British Kaffraria created.
- Introduction of representative government in Cape Colony.
- 1854.—Convention of Bloemfontein and Treaty of Aliwal, granting independence to Orange Free State.
- Free State abandoned to Dutch.
- 1855.—Establishment of a Constitution for South African Republic; not completed till 1858.
- 1856.—Natal created a separate Colony. 2000 German legion and 2000 German labourers arrived.
- 1858.—War between Orange Free State and Basutos.
- 1859.—First railway constructed.
- 1865.—British Kaffraria incorporated with Cape Colony.
- War between Free State and Basutos.
- 1867.—First discovery of diamonds near Orange River.
- First discovery of gold in Transvaal.
- 1868.—Annexation of Basutoland.
- 1869.—Discovery of diamonds near Lower Vaal River, where Kimberley now stands.
- Commercial Treaty concluded between Portuguese Government and the South African Republic, which led to British claims to Delagoa Bay.
- 1871.—Annexation of Griqualand West (Diamond Fields). Basutoland added to Cape.
- 1872.—Responsible Government granted to Cape Colony.
- Cetchwayo succeeds his father, Panda, as king in Zululand.
- 1872-75.—Delagoa Bay arbitration.
- 1874.—Ichaboe and Penguin Islands annexed.
- 1875.—Delagoa Bay award.
- 1875-80.—Lord Carnarvon's scheme for making the different colonies and states of South Africa into a confederation with common administration and common legislation in national matters.
- 1876.—Fingoland, Idutywa Reserve, and No-Man's-Land annexed.
- Acceptance by Free State of £90,000 for Griqualand West.
- Khama, Chief of Bamangwato, seeks British protection against Boer aggressions.
- 1877.—Annexation of Transvaal by Sir T. Shepstone, after the country had been reduced to a state of anarchy by misgovernment.
- 1877-78.—Gaika and Gealika rebellion.
- 1878.—Walfish Bay proclaimed a British possession.
- 1879.—Zulu war. Transvaal declared a Crown Colony.
- 1880.—Basuto war. Sekukuni campaign.
- Boer protest against British rule at a mass meeting held in December at Paardekraal (now Krugersdorp).
- They seize Heidelberg.
- South African Republic established.
- December 16.—Kruger, Joubert, and Pretorius proclaimed South African Republic by hoisting flag on Dingaan's Day. Kruger made President on December 17. British treacherously surrounded at Bronkhurst Spruit, December 20, when about 250 of 94th Regiment, after losing nearly all their men, surrendered. Colonel Bellairs besieged in Potchefstroom, but Boers retire when shelled. December 29.—Captain Elliot treacherously murdered while fording the Vaal.
- 1880-81.—Reinforcements sent out December and January.
- Griqualand West incorporated with the Cape.
- 1881.—Transvaal rebellion. Pretoria Convention, creating "Transvaal State" under British suzerainty.
- Sir George Colley takes command of our troops, January. His attack on Laing's Nek repulsed with heavy loss. Colonel Deane and Majors Poole and Hingiston killed.
- 1881.—Severe engagement near Ingogo River, Feb. 8. British repulsed after 12 hours under fire. Sir E. Wood joined Colley with reinforcements. Orange Free State neutrality declared. Colley and Majuba Hill, Feb. 27; Colley killed with 3 officers and 82 men; 122 men taken prisoners.
- Sir F. (now Lord) Roberts sent out, Feb. 28.
- Armistice proposed by Boers, March 5; accepted March 23.
- Peace proclaimed, March 21.
The Uneasy Peace
- Potchefstroom surrendered with honours of war in ignorance of armistice, April.
- Commission appointed to carry out Treaty of Peace, April 5.
- Convention agreed to, ceding all territory to Transvaal, with the Queen as suzerain, and a British resident at Pretoria, Aug. 8.
- Convention ratified, Oct. 25.
- Evacuation of Transvaal by British troops began on Nov. 18.
- 1884.—London Convention restoring to the Transvaal the title of "South African Republic."
- Annexation of Damaraland by Germany.
- Boer Republics of Stellaland and Goshen set up in Bechuanaland.
- Boers seize and annex Montsioaland; sanctioned by proclamation; withdrawn on remonstrance.
- Ultimatum by Sir H. Robinson, requiring protection of frontiers.
- British annexation of Southern, and protectorate of Northern Bechuanaland.
- Basutoland made independent.
- Port St. John annexed.
- British flag hoisted in Lucia Bay, Zululand (ceded to England in 1843, by Panda).
- 1884-85.—Sir Charles Warren's expedition.
- 1885.—Annexation of Bechuanaland to Cape Colony.
- 1885.—British protectorate over Khama's country proclaimed as far as Matabeleland.
- Discovery of great goldfields in Witwatersrandt, Transvaal.
- 1886.—Opening of principal goldfields in Transvaal.
- British Government put a stop to Boer raids into Zululand, and confined them to a territory of nearly 3000 square miles; to be known as the "New Republic."
- 1887.—British annexation of the rest of Zululand.
- British treaty with Tonga chiefs, in which they undertook not to make treaties with any other power.
- 1888.—"New Republic" annexed to South African Republic.
- Treaty concluded between British and Lo Bengula, the Matabele king, in which he undertook not to cede territory to, or treat with, any foreign power without British consent.
- 1889.—Charter granted to British South Africa Company.
- 1890.—First Swaziland Convention, giving Boers certain rights to a railway to the coast.
- British and German "spheres of influence" defined by formal agreement.
- 1891.—Southern boundary of Portuguese territory fixed by treaty with Great Britain.
- 1893.—Responsible government granted to Natal.
- Matabele war.
- 1894.—Malaboch war.
- Question of "commandeering" British subjects raised in South African Republic.
- Second Swaziland Convention, placing Swaziland under Boer control.
- Annexation of Amatongaland.
- Annexation of Pondoland.
- British subjects exempted from military service by Transvaal Government, June 24.
- Protest by British Government against closing the Vaal Drifts, as contrary to Convention; Nov. 3. Agreed to Nov. 8.
- 1895.—Crown Colony of Bechuanaland annexed to Cape Colony.
- Proclamation of Reform movement by Uitlanders in Johannesburg (National Union), Dec. 26.
- Jameson Raid—he crossed the frontier with a force from Pitsani Pitlogo, Dec. 29.
- Sir H. Robinson telegraphed to Jameson to retire, Dec. 30.
- Mr. Chamberlain and Sir H. Robinson sent order to stop hostilities, Dec. 31.
- 1896.—Dr. Jameson's party, outnumbered and without resources, defeated by Boers near Krugersdorp, Jan. 1.
- Fight at Vlakfontein, and surrender of Jameson, Jan. 2.
- Johannesburg surrendered unconditionally by advice of British Government, Jan. 2.
- Dr. Jameson and other prisoners handed over to Sir H. Robinson, Jan. 7.
- 1897.—Judicial Crisis in South African Republic.
- Annexation of Zululand to Natal.
- 1899.— Petition of Uitlanders to the Queen, May 24.
- Conference, at Bloemfontein, between Sir A. Milner and Kruger, May 30. Terminated without result, June 6.
- British Despatch to Transvaal, setting forth demands for immediate acceptance, Sept. 8.
- Unsatisfactory reply, Sept. 16.
- Troops despatched to Natal, Sept. and Oct.
- Insulting Boer Ultimatum, making war inevitable, Oct. 9.
- Orange Free State joins with the Transvaal.
The Second Boer War
- 11.—Boer Ultimatum time-limit expired. Great Britain commenced to be at war with Transvaal and Orange Free State.
- 12.—Text of Great Britain's reply to Boer Ultimatum issued. It stated that the conditions demanded were such as her Majesty's Government deemed it impossible to discuss.
- Mr. Conyngham Greene recalled.
- Armoured train captured by Boers near Mafeking.
- Colonel Baden-Powell moved a large force outside Mafeking, and took up a strong defensive position.
- 13.—Newcastle abandoned.
- 14.—Sir R. Buller and Staff left England.
- 15.—Boers occupied Newcastle.
- 16.—Dundee evacuated.
- 17.—Parliament opened.
- Successful sortie by Colonel Baden-Powell from Mafeking.
- Armoured train in action near Kimberley during reconnaissance.
- 18.—Mr. Balfour announced that the Militia and Militia Reserves were to be called out.
- 19.—Transvaal flag hoisted at Vryburg.
- 20.—Boers repulsed by British at Talana Hill (Glencoe).
- 21.—General French, with about 2000 men, attacked a Boer force under General Kock at Elandslaagte.
- 22.—General Symons promoted to be Major-General.
- General Yule retired from Dundee on Ladysmith.
- 23.—Death of General Symons.
- Mafeking bombarded.
- Transvaal National Bank seized at Durban.
- 24.—Sir George White engaged Boers at Reitfontein.
- Services accepted of Sir William M'Cormac, President of the Royal College of Surgeons, to attend the wounded.
- 26.—Generals Yule and White joined forces at Ladysmith.
- Bombardment of Mafeking commenced.
- 28.—Boers were closing round Ladysmith.
- Proclamation issued declaring the Boer "commandeering" of certain portions of Cape Colony null.
- 30.—Engagement at Lombard's Kop.
- Sir George White sent out from Ladysmith to Nicholson's Nek a Mountain Battery, with the Irish Fusiliers and the Gloucesters, to turn the enemy's right flank. Mules, with guns and reserve ammunition, stampeded into enemy's lines. After gallantly defending their position for six hours, men's ammunition was exhausted, and about 800 were captured. Naval Brigade did excellent work.
- 31.—Sir Redvers Buller landed at Cape Town.
- 1.—Boers invaded Cape Colony.
- 2.—Free Staters' position at Besters brilliantly taken by cavalry. Boers lost heavily; our casualties slight. Boers treacherously used white flag.
- Colenso evacuated by the British.
- Arrangements for a supplementary Naval Brigade completed.
- Orders issued for mobilising the Militia.
- 3.—Naauwpoort and Stormberg evacuated by the British garrisons.
- 5.—Death of Commander Egerton, of Powerful.
- 6.—Ladysmith isolated.
- 9.—Boers attacked Ladysmith, and repulsed with heavy loss.
- Orders issued for mobilisation of a Fifth Division.
- 10.—Engagement of Belmont. Colonel Keith Falconer killed.
- 11.—Captain Percy Scott, of H.M.S. Terrible, appointed commandant of the forces defending Durban.
- 12.—Lord Methuen arrived at Orange River.
- 14.—Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Warren appointed to command the Fifth Division for service in South Africa.
- 15.—Armoured train wrecked by Boers near Frere. Mr. Winston Churchill and a number of Dublin Fusiliers and Volunteers captured.
- Boers defeated at Estcourt.
- 16.—Fighting near Orange River.
- 17-22.—Transports arrived at Cape Town with 22,000 troops.
- 20.—Lord Methuen's force reached Witteputts.
- 23.—Lord Methuen attacked Boers at Belmont.
- Boers routed at Willow Grange.
- 25.—Lord Methuen engaged the Boers at Graspan (Enslin), and after four hours' hard fighting carried position.
- 26.—Mooi River Column joined at Frere by General Hildyard.
- 28.—Lord Methuen engaged enemy, 8000 strong, at Modder River, and after ten hours' desperate fighting, drove them back.
- 30.—Sixth Division for South Africa notified.
- 2.—General Clery reached Frere.
- 3.—Transport Ismore wrecked 180 miles north of Cape Town—all troops landed.
- 6.—Sortie from Kimberley. Major Scott Turner killed.
- 7.—Arundel occupied by British.
- 8.—British sortie from Ladysmith, Lombard's Kop being carried.
- 9.—General Gatacre sustained serious reverse at Stormberg, having been misled by guides.
- Lieutenant-Colonel Metcalfe, 2nd Rifle Brigade, with 500 men from Ladysmith, captured Surprise Hill, destroying a howitzer.
- 10.—General French drove the enemy from Vaal Kop.
- 11.—Lord Methuen attacked 12,000 Boers entrenched at Majesfontein, but attack failed, although British troops held their position. Major-General Wauchope, Major Lord Winchester, and Colonel Downman killed.
- 13.—General French defeated 1800 Boers between Arundel and Naauwpoort. British loss, 1 killed, 8 wounded.
- 14.—Orders given for the mobilisation of a Sixth Division, and a Seventh in reserve.
- Sir Charles Warren and Staff arrived at the Cape.
- 15.—General Buller suffered a serious reverse at Colenso, troops having to retire to Chieveley, leaving behind 11 guns.
- General Hector Macdonald appointed to succeed General Wauchope.
- DECEMBER 1899.
- 17.—Field-Marshal Lord Roberts, K.P., G.C.B., V.C., &c., appointed Commander-in-Chief in South Africa, with Lord Kitchener of Khartoum as his Chief of the Staff.
- War Office issued orders under which the remaining portion of the Army A Reserve were called up; and large reinforcements were to proceed to South Africa without delay.
- General Gatacre advanced from Sterkstroom to Putters Kraal.
- General French established his headquarters at Arundel.
- Offers of Second Contingents by the Colonies accepted.
- 18.—Additional Battalions of Militia embodied. There were now fifty-four Battalions of Militia embodied.
- Sir Charles Warren and the Staff of the Fifth Division left Cape Town.
- Reconnaissance by General French. Sortie from Ladysmith.
- 19.—Important order issued from the War Office, announcing that the Government had decided to raise for service in South Africa a Mounted Infantry force, to be called “The Imperial Yeomanry.” The force to be recruited from the Yeomanry.
- 21.—Mr. Winston Churchill arrived at Lourenço Marques after an adventurous journey.
- 23.—Departure of Lord Roberts from London and Southampton for the Cape.
- 24.—Dordrecht occupied by General Gatacre.
- Sortie from Mafeking.
- Two British officers captured by Boers near Chieveley.
- 25.—Bluejackets blew up Tugela Road bridge, and cut off Boers with their guns.
- Colonel Dalgety with Mounted Police and Colonial troops held Dordrecht. (Gatacre’s Division.)
- 26.—Sir Charles Warren arrived at the Natal front.
- Boers appeared at Victoria West.
- Mafeking force attacked a Boer fort.
- 27.—Boers unsuccessfully bombarded Ladysmith.
- 28.—H.M.S. Magicienne captured German liner Bundesrath, near Delagoa Bay, with contraband of war on board.
- 30.—Skirmish near Dordrecht. Boers defeated with loss. Two British officers captured through mistaking Boers for New Zealanders.
- 1.—Enrolment of the first draft of the City Imperial Volunteers.
- Surrender of Kuruman, after a stout resistance, to the Boers. Twelve officers and 120 police captured.
- General French occupied a kopje overlooking Colesberg. Flight of Boers, leaving their wrecked guns and quantities of stores.
- Brilliant manœuvre by Lieutenant-Colonel Pilcher at Sunnyside. Captured the entire Boer camp, made forty prisoners, advanced and occupied Douglas on Vaal River.
- Colonel Plumer and Colonel Holdsworth from Rhodesia continued their march to the relief of Mafeking.
- 2.—Loyal inhabitants of Douglas escorted to Belmont.
- General French still engaged with enemy at Colesberg.
British Troops Defending a Train Derailed by the Boers
- 3.—General French reinforced from De Aar. Boers being surrounded; fighting in the hills.
- General Gatacre repulsed Boer attack on position commanding Molteno.
- Colonel Pilcher, for “military reasons,” evacuated Douglas.
- 4.—General Gatacre occupied Molteno; Boers retreated to Stormberg with loss.
- General French manœuvring to enclose Colesberg; further fighting.
- 5.—General Gatacre hotly engaged at Molteno by Boers from Stormberg; drove them off, inflicting heavy losses.
- 6.—Great battle at Ladysmith. Boers repulsed on every side with heavy loss.
- General Buller made a demonstration in force to aid General White.
- General French inflicted severe defeat on Boers at Colesberg. A Company of the 1st Suffolk Regiment captured.
- 9.—British troops invaded Free State territory near Jacobsdal. The Queensland and Canadian Volunteers cleared a large belt across the Free State border.
- 10.—Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener arrived at Cape Town.
- Forward movement for the relief of Ladysmith from Chieveley and Frere.
- 11.—Sir Redvers Buller crossed the Little Tugela, and occupied the south bank of the Tugela at Potgieter’s Drift.
- Lord Dundonald and Mounted Brigade crossed the Tugela at Potgieter’s Drift.
- General Gatacre made a reconnaissance in force towards Stormberg.
- 13.—The City Imperial Volunteers left London for South Africa.
- 15.—Boers attacked General French and were repulsed at Colesberg.
- 16.—General Lyttleton and Mounted Brigade crossed the Tugela at Potgieter’s Drift.
- 17.—Sir Charles Warren crossed, with his Division, at Trichardt’s Drift.
- Lord Dundonald had an action with the Boers near Acton Homes.
- 18.—Tugela bridged and crossed by a Brigade and battery.
- 20.—Sir Charles Warren moved towards Spion Kop.
- Reconnaissance by Lord Dundonald.
- 21.—Heavy fighting by Clery’s force; they attacked the Boers and captured ridge after ridge for three miles.
- 22—Sir Charles Warren’s entire army engaged.
- 23.—Spion Kop captured by Sir Charles Warren; General Woodgate wounded.
- 25-27.—Abandonment of Spion Kop. Sir Charles Warren’s force withdrew to south of Tugela.
- 27.—Brigadier-General Brabant, commanding a Brigade of Colonial forces, joined General Gatacre.
- 28.—General Kelly-Kenny occupied Thebus.
- 30.—British force reoccupied Prieska.
- 3.—Telegraphic communication restored between Mafeking and Gaberones.
- 4.—General Macdonald occupied Koodoe’s Drift.
- 5.—General Buller crossed the Tugela at Manger’s Drift.
- 6.—General Buller captured Vaal Krantz Hill.
- 7.—Vaal Krantz Hill abandoned, and British force withdrew south of the Tugela.
- 9.—General Macdonald retired to Modder River.
- Lord Roberts arrived at Modder River.
- 10.—Colonel Hannay’s force moved to Ramdam.
- 12.—General French with Cavalry Division, proceeding to the Relief of Kimberley, seized Dekiel’s Drift.
- 12-13.—General French, following up Hannay’s movement, crossed Riet River, and next day with a strong force marched twenty-five miles into the Free State, seized Klip Drift on the Modder River, occupied the hills to the north, and captured three of the enemy’s laagers, with supplies.
- 13-14.—6th (Kelly-Kenny’s) Division on north bank of the Riet River at Waterfall Drift.
- 14.—Lord Roberts advanced to Dekiel’s Drift.
- 15.—General French reached and relieved Kimberley, captured Boer laager and supplies, and forced the enemy to withdraw.
- The Boers evacuated Majersfontein and Spyfontein, retreating to Koodoosrand Drift.
- 16.—General Kelly-Kenny, in pursuit of Cronje retiring east with 10,000 men on Bloemfontein, captured 78 waggons with stores, 2 waggons with Mauser rifles, and 8 waggons with shell belonging to Cronje’s column.
- Capture of Cingolo Hill by Sir Redvers Buller’s force.
- Lord Roberts occupied Jacobsdal.
- Flight of Cronje’s force and occupation of Majersfontein by the Guards.
- 17.—Cronje’s force overtaken and surrounded at Paardeberg. General Brabant engaged the enemy near Dordrecht.

- Successful reconnaissance by Colonel Henderson from Arundel.
- 18.—Severe fighting at Paardeberg, where Cronje was being gradually surrounded.
- Capture of Monte Cristo. General Lyttelton’s Division, by a brilliant converging movement, drove the Boers across the river.
- 19.—Capture of Hlangwane by the Fusilier Brigade. The Boers evacuated the hill, and left a large camp behind them.
- Bombardment of Cronje’s position began. Boer reinforcements driven back.
- Cronje asked for armistice, but Lord Kitchener demanded his surrender; Cronje refused, and was then bombarded heavily.
- Reoccupation of Dordrecht. General Brabant entered the town in the morning, the Boers taking to flight.
- 20.—General Hart occupied Colenso.
- Lord Roberts defeated Boer reinforcements at Paardeberg.
- 21.—5th Division crossed the Tugela at Colenso.
- 23.—Advance on Ladysmith continued. The Boers’ position at Grobler’s Kloof attacked.
- The cordon round Cronje began to close in.
- Captain Hon. R. H. L. J. de Montmorency, V.C. (21st Hussars), killed while doing magnificent work with his Scouts near Stormberg.
- 26.—Finding the passage of the river near Colenso commanded by strong entrenchments, Sir Redvers Buller sent his guns and baggage back to the south side of the Tugela, and found a new crossing.
- 26-27.—Colesberg and Rensberg, having been evacuated by the Boers, were occupied by General Clements, while Jamestown was occupied by General Brabant.
- 27 (on anniversary of Majuba, 1881).—Cronje, with 44 commandants and other officers of all grades, and over 3500 men, surrendered unconditionally to Lord Roberts.
- Sir Redvers Buller’s force captured the Boer position at Pieters. This action opened the road to Ladysmith. Boers retired north to Ladysmith.
- 28.—Relief of Ladysmith after 120 day’s investment.
MARCH 1900.
- 1.—Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener visited Kimberley and attended a meeting in the Town Hall.
- 2.—Cronje and his staff, having been moved to Simonstown under a guard of City Imperial Volunteers, were put on board H.M.S. Doris, and sent to St. Helena.
- 3.—General Buller formally entered Ladysmith.
- Skirmish near Osfontein. General French came in contact with a Boer force, who tried to get away, but were held to their position by the British force.
- 4-5.—General Brabant advanced from Dordrecht against Labuschagne, and was completely successful.
- 5.—General Gatacre occupied Stormberg without opposition.
- 7.—Lord Roberts dispersed Boers near Poplar Grove.
- General Gatacre reached Burghersdorp.
- 8.—General Clements occupied Norval’s Pont.
- 10.—The Boers dispersed near Driefontein, fifteen miles east of Poplar Grove.
- 11.—Presidents Kruger and Steyn received reply from the Prime Minister refusing to entertain their absurd overtures for peace.
- 12.—General French (with cavalry, R.H.A., and Mounted Infantry) arrived before Bloemfontein, and captured two hills which command the railway and town.
- General French captured the railway near Bloemfontein.
- General Gatacre approached Bethulie.
- 13.—Lord Roberts occupied Bloemfontein. His despatch ran:—“The British flag now flies over the Presidency vacated last evening by Mr. Steyn, late President of the Orange Free State. The inhabitants gave the troops a cordial welcome.”
- 14.—General Pretyman, C.B., appointed Military Governor of Bloemfontein.
- 15.—General Gatacre occupied Bethulie.
- Boers attacked Colonel Plumer’s camp and were repulsed.
- 16.—Fighting at Fourteen Streams.
- 19.—Lord Kitchener occupied Prieska, and received the submission of rebels.
- 20.—Rouxville occupied by Major Cumming.
- 21.—Smithfield occupied by British troops.
- 23.—Party of English officers shot near Bloemfontein.
- 27.—General Clements occupied Fauresmith, and arrested the landrost.
- Death of General Joubert.
- 29.—Action at Karree Siding. Boer position taken.
- Wepener occupied by Brabant’s Horse under Colonel Dalgety.
- 30.—Colonel Broadwood with Cavalry Brigade and two batteries Royal Horse Artillery at Thabanchu retired on waterworks pressed by the enemy.
- 31.—Loss of convoy and six guns at Koorn Spruit.
- Action at Ramathlabama for the relief of Mafeking, and Colonel Plumer’s small force repulsed by the Boers.
MARCH 1900.
- 31.—Loss of British convoy and seven guns at Koorn Spruit.
APRIL 1900.
- 4.—Capture of British troops by the Boers near Reddersburg.
- 5.—General Villebois killed near Boshop, and party of Boer mercenaries captured by Lord Methuen.
- General Clements received the submission of 4000 rebels.
- British occupation of Reddersburg.
- 7.—Skirmish near Warrenton.
- 9.—Colonial Division attacked at Wepener.
- 11.—General Chermside promoted to command Third Division, vice General Gatacre, ordered home.
- 20.—Boer positions attacked at Dewetsdorp.
- 23.—General Carrington arrived at Beira.
- 25.—Wepener siege raised.
- General Chermside occupied Dewetsdorp.
- Bloemfontein Waterworks recaptured.
- 26.—Sir C. Warren appointed Governor of Griqualand West.
- 27.—Thabanchu occupied.
- 28.—Fighting near Thabanchu Mountain.
MAY 1900.
- 1.—General Hamilton captured Houtnek.
- 5.—British occupation of Brandfort.
- Lord Roberts’s further advance to the Vet River.
- 6.—The Vet River passed and Smaldeel occupied.
- 7.—General Hunter occupied Fourteen Streams.
- 8.—Ladybrand deserted by the Boers.
- 9.—Capture of Welgelegen.
- Mafeking Relief Force reached Vryburg.
- 10.—Battle of Zand River.
- Occupation of Ventersburg.
- 12.—Lord Roberts occupied Kroonstad without resistance.
- Commandant Eloff attacked Mafeking, and was captured by Col. Baden-Powell.
- 13.—General Buller advanced towards the Biggarsberg.
- 14.—Occupation of Dundee.
- 15.—Occupation of Glencoe.
British Grenadier Guards - at the Battle of Riddulph's Berg, Boer War
- Mafeking Relief Force defeated the Boers at Kraaipan.
- 16.—Christiana occupied.
- 17.—General Ian Hamilton occupied Lindley.
- Colonel Mahon, at the head of the relief force, entered Mafeking.
- Lord Methuen entered Hoopstad.
- 18.—Occupation of Newcastle.
- 20.—Colonel Bethune’s Mounted Infantry ambushed near Vryheid.
- 22.—General Ian Hamilton occupied Heilbron after a series of engagements. The main army, under Lord Roberts, pitched its tents at Honing Spruit, and General French crossed the Rhenoster to the north-west of the latter place.
- 23.—Rhenoster position turned.
- 24.—British Army entered the Transvaal, crossing the Vaal near Parys, unopposed.
- 27.—The passage of the Vaal was completed by the British Army.
- 28.—Orange Free State formally annexed under the title of Orange River Colony.
- The Battle of Biddulph’s Berg.
- 29.—Battle of Doornkop: Boers defeated.
- Lord Roberts arrived at Germiston.
- Kruger fled his capital at midnight amid the lamentations of the populace.
- 30.—Occupation of Utrecht by General Hildyard.
- Sir Charles Warren defeated the enemy near Douglas.
- 31.—Battalion of Irish Yeomanry captured at Lindley.
- The British flag hoisted at Johannesburg.
JUNE 1900.
- 5.—The British flag hoisted in Pretoria.
- JUNE 1900.
- 5.—The British flag hoisted in Pretoria.
- 7.—The 4th Battalion Derbyshire Regiment (Sherwood Foresters) captured by the enemy at Roodeval.
- 9.—Klerksdorp surrendered to General Hunter.
- 11.—Lord Methuen gained a complete victory over De Wet.
- 12.—Almond’s Nek having been forced the previous day, the Boers evacuated Laing’s Nek and Majuba at nightfall, and General Buller encamped four miles north of Volksrust.
- The battle of Diamond Hill. Lord Roberts defeated Botha 15 miles east of Pretoria. The Boers retreated in the night farther east.
- 13.—The Boers continued their aggressions on the Senekal-Ficksburg line. The Senekal-Winburg telegraph line was damaged. General Lyttelton occupied Wakkerstroom.
- 14.—Rustenburg occupied by General Baden-Powell.
- Botha’s rearguard surprised and “thoroughly routed” by General Ian Hamilton’s Mounted Infantry.
- Position on Zand River attacked by 800 Boers with three guns. Enemy driven off by General Knox.
- 15.—Column left Pretoria to meet General Baden-Powell and repair telegraph between Pretoria and Rustenburg.
- 18.—General Baden-Powell arrived at Pretoria.
- General Hunter occupied Krugersdorp.
- 19.—Lord Methuen defeated De Wet at Heilbron.
- 20.—Extinction of rebellion in Cape Colony. Surrender of De Villiers.
- 22.—Lord Dundonald occupied Standerton.
- 24.—General Clements defeated the Boers at Winburg.
- General Ian Hamilton occupied Heidelburg.
- 26.—Boer attack repulsed near Senekal, and enemy’s laager burned.
- 27.—Attack on British at Roodeval Spruit. Boers beaten off.
JULY 1900.
- 1.—Generals Hunter and MacDonald joined hands at Frankfort.
- 4.—General Buller’s forces and those of the Commander-in-Chief joined at Vlakfontein.
- Entire railway from Natal to Johannesburg in hands of the British.
- General Paget drove the enemy from strong positions towards Bethlehem.
- 7.—General Buller arrived at Pretoria.
- Bethlehem captured by Generals Clements and Paget. De Wet put to flight.
- 11.—Squadron of Scots Greys, five companies of the Lincolnshire Regiment, with two guns of the O Battery of the Royal Horse Artillery, captured at Nitral’s Nek. General Smith-Dorrien successfully engaged the Boers near Krugersdorp.
- 16.—Determined attacks by Boers on left flank of British posts in the Pretoria district. Enemy driven off with loss.
- 19.—General Little engaged De Wet near Lindley, and broke up his forces.
- 21.—Advance begun from Pretoria east, along Delagoa Bay Railway.
- A supply train, with 100 Welsh Fusiliers, captured near Honing Spruit.
- 23.—The Black Watch capture a hill at Retief’s Nek. The Highland Light Infantry were compelled to retire from a steep hill above the Nek.
- 25.—Lord Roberts’s force reached Balmoral on the way to Middelburg. French’s Cavalry and Hutton’s Mounted Infantry put Boers to flight six miles south of Balmoral.
- Boers flee in disorder before Lord Roberts’s advance. General French crosses Oliphant’s River.
- 26.—Philip de Wet, younger brother of Christian de Wet, surrendered at Kroonstad.
- General Hunter occupied Fouriesburg.
- General MacDonald, after fighting a rearguard action, blocked Naauwpoort Nek.
- 27.—Occupation of Middelburg by advance guard of Lord Roberts without opposition.
- 30.—Surrender of Generals Prinsloo, A. J. Villiers, and Crowther, and 4000 Boers to General Hunter.
AUGUST 1900.
- 4.—Surrender of Harrismith to General MacDonald.
- 10.—Discovery of the plot at Pretoria to kidnap Lord Roberts and the British officers.
- Pursuit of De Wet continued.
- 12.—De Wet escaped.
- 16.—Eland’s River garrison relieved.
- 24.—Lord Roberts left for the front in the Eastern Transvaal to operate against General Botha.
- 25.—Lieutenant Hans Cordua shot in Pretoria for his participation in the plot against Lord Roberts.
- 26.—Great battle near Dalmanutha.
- Capture of Commandant Olivier and his two sons at Winburg.
- 27.—Important positions captured near Dalmanutha.
- 28.—General Buller’s troops occupied Machadodorp.
- Bergendal occupied.
- 29.—Kruger fled to Nelspruit.
- The Boers evacuated Helvetia, which was occupied by General Buller.
- 30.—British occupation of Waterval Boven.
- Release of about 2000 British prisoners at Nooitgedacht.
- 1.—Lord Roberts annexed to the British Empire the South African Republic, which henceforth will be known as the Transvaal Colony.
- 4.—General Buller and Botha engaged at Lydenburg.
- Siege of Ladybrand raised.
- 6.—British occupied Lydenburg. Botha retreated.
- 8.—Spitz Kop captured.
- 11.—Kruger, having fled from the Transvaal, arrived in Portuguese territory, and proceeded to Lorenzo Marques.
- 13.—Lord Roberts issued a proclamation calling upon the Boers to surrender.
- General French occupied Barberton.
- 16.—British occupied Nelspruit.
- 20.—British occupation of Kaap Muiden.
- 24.—Arrival of the British at the Portuguese frontier. Evacuation of all the Boer positions near the frontier.
- 25.—Lord Roberts telegraphed to the Lord Mayor of London that the City Imperial Volunteers might be expected home “before November 5th.”
- Surrender of Boers to the Portuguese.
- 3.—Return of General Buller to Lydenburg after having marched through the whole of the hilly country to the north as far as Pilgrim’s Rest, and having occupied the principal Boer positions.
- 9.—Continuous series of engagements in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, and defeat of De Wet, who was driven north, across the Vaal, at Venterstroom.
- 10.—General Buller prepared to return home.
- 11.—Anniversary of Kruger’s insolent ultimatum.
- 19.—Mr. Kruger left Lorenzo Marques for Europe, and made his exit from the political stage.
- 24.—General Buller left Cape Town for England.
- Koffyfontein besieged.
- 25.—The Transvaal formally annexed.
- 3.—Koffyfontein relieved.
- 6.—Engagement with De Wet near Bothaville.
- 16.—Conspirators against Lord Roberts arrested.
- 18.—Lord Roberts met with an accident at Johannesburg.
- 23.—Garrison at Dewetsdorp surrendered to De Wet.
- 27.—General Charles Knox in touch with De Wet at Beyersberg.
- 29.—Lord Kitchener took over the command in South Africa.
- 5.—De Wet crossed the Caledon with a view to entering Cape Colony.
- 11.—Lord Roberts left Cape Town for England.
- De Wet, after being turned northward by General Knox, moved towards Reddersburg.
- 13.—Reverse to General Clements near the Magaliesberg.
- Brabant’s Horse mishap near Zastron.
- 19.—Boers under Delarey routed.
- Boer raid into Cape Colony.
- 21.—War Office arranged for reinforcements.
- 22.—Boer movement in Cape Colony checked.
- 26.—General Charles Knox engaged with De Wet near Leeuw Kop.
- 28.—De Wet, frustrated in his attempt to break through to the south, withdrew to Senekal.
- Cape raiders driven northward.
- 29.—British garrison at Helvetia captured.
- 30.—Preparations made for the frustration of a more ambitious Boer raid into Cape Colony.
- 1.—“Call to arms” at Capetown. Enthusiastic response.
- 7.—Boers attacked Belfast, Wonderfontein, Nooitgedacht, Widfontein, and Pan, and after sharp fighting were dispersed.
- 10.—Machadodorp attacked by night. Post gallantly defended.
- 12.—Boers driven eastward from Witwatersberg by General French.
- Activities in Cape Colony to frustrate Hertzog’s advance.
- 22.—Death of Queen Victoria. Lamentation throughout the world.
- 23.—Colonels De Lisle, Scobell, and Collenbrander drove the enemy out of Calvinia and Van Rhynsdorp, and pursued him north to Carnarvon.
- 28.—General French marched eastward, clearing the valley of the Wilge River.
- 6.—General French, after encountering little resistance, entered Ermelo. General Smith-Dorrien repulsed 2000 of the enemy. His losses were 23 killed and 52 wounded.
- 9.—Eastern movement continued in deluges of rain, but invasion of Natal by Botha eventually frustrated.
- 10.—De Wet, after many contests with the British forces in Orange River Colony, succeeded in crossing the river at Sand Drift.
- 14.—Animated chases after De Wet.
- 23.—De Wet succeeded in recrossing the river after losing 200 prisoners, all his guns, ammunition, and waggons.
- 27.—Lengthy negotiations for the promotion of peace took place between Lord Kitchener and Commandant Botha, which negotiations eventually fell to the ground.
- 1.—“Call to arms” at Cape Town. General Charles Knox and others continued the pursuit of De Wet.
- 2.—Arrival of Lord Roberts at Osborne. He is created by the Queen an Earl.
- 30.—De Wet breaks through the Bloemfontein-Ladybrand line going south.
- FEBRUARY 1901.
- 1.—General French continued to operate against Botha in the Eastern Transvaal.
- 6.—The War Office decided to reinforce Lord Kitchener by 30,000 mounted troops beyond those already landed in Cape Colony. “Call to arms” at Cape Town.
- 9.—“Call to arms” at Cape Town.
- 10.—“Call to arms” at Cape Town.
- 22.—Extraordinary proclamation signed by Steyn and De Wet published.
- 23.—Accounts of Boer atrocities published. “Call to arms” at Cape Town.
- Severe defeat of De Wet by General Plumer, who captured two guns, fifty prisoners, and all De Wet’s ammunition. De Wet’s attempt to invade Cape Colony completely failed.
- General French gained several victories over Botha in Eastern Transvaal, with capture of guns, ammunition, and waggons.
- 28.—Further great captures from the Boers by General French, and heavy Boer losses.
MARCH 1901.
- 2.—De Wet was forced over the Orange River with the loss of his guns and convoy.
- Sir Alfred Milner proceeded north from Cape Town to take up the duties of the Governor of the Transvaal and Orange River Colonies.
- 26.—Victory by General Babington over Delarey at Ventersdorp. Nine Boer guns captured.
APRIL 1901.
- 6.—General French, in his sweeping operations in the Eastern Transvaal, captured all the enemy’s guns in that district.
- 8.—Colonel Plumer captured Pietersburg, the terminus of the railway running due north from Pretoria.
- 10.—Civil administration resumed in the Transvaal.
- 15.—Smuts’ commando defeated near Klerksdorp. Two guns captured.
- 18.—Sir A. Milner obtained leave of absence on account of the state of his health.
- 19.—Generals Plumer and Walter Kitchener co-operated with General French in clearing the Eastern Transvaal and Lydenburg district.
- 30.—General Blood discovered documents and banknotes of Transvaal Government at Roosenekal, from which place Mr. Schalk Burger fled.
MAY 1901.
- 8.—Municipal Government started in Johannesburg.
- 24.—Sir A. Milner arrived in London and had a peerage conferred upon him by the King.
JUNE 1901.
- 1.—Severe engagement between General Dixon and Delarey at Vlakfontein, in the Magaliesberg. Enemy repulsed with heavy loss. Our casualties also heavy.
- 6.—De Wet severely defeated near Reitz by General Elliot, who made large captures.
- 9.—Lieut.-General Sir John French assumed command of the troops in Cape Colony.
- 12.—General Beatson surprised near Middelburg (Transvaal). Loss of two pom-poms.
JULY 1901.
- 5.—In reply to Botha’s inquiries about ending the war, Kruger telegraphed to Botha to continue fighting.
- 6.—A train wrecked on the Pretoria-Pietersburg line.[Pg vii]
- 15.—Capture of the so-called “Orange Free State Government” at Reitz. Important Boer papers seized. Steyn alone of the members of his “Government” escaped—in his shirt.
- 16.—Important success by General French in Cape Colony.
- 19.—Publication of Lord Kitchener’s despatch embodying contents of important documents seized at Reitz.
- Death of Mrs. Kruger.
AUGUST 1901.
- 2.—More murders by Boers officially announced. One of the murdered men was an Imperial Yeoman.
- 8.—Commandant de Villiers and two Field Cornets surrendered at Warmbaths.
- 10.—Lord Kitchener by proclamation called upon the Boer leaders to surrender on or before the 15th of September.
- 13.—Lord Kitchener reported the largest return of Boer losses yet sustained in a week. More than 800 prisoners, 700 waggons, and 33,000 cattle.
- 27.—Lord Kitchener received letters from Steyn and De Wet protesting against his proclamation.
- 28.—Lord Milner arrived at the Cape from England.
- 2.—Another case of train-wrecking on the Pretoria-Pietersburg railway.
- 7.—Lotter and his entire commando captured in Cape Colony.
- 20.—Reverse to Major Gough near Utrecht.
- Severe fighting in Cape Colony.
- 21.—Reverse at Vlakfontein, near Sanna’s Post. Two guns lost. (Afterwards recovered.)
- 23.—The camp of Lovat’s Scouts rushed by Kruitzinger near Herschel.
- Koch’s commando captured near Edenburg.
- The Carolina commando captured by Colonel Benson.
- 26.—Ten Boer leaders banished under Lord Kitchener’s proclamation.
- Attacks on Fort Itala and Fort Prospect. Boers repulsed with very heavy losses at both places.
- The attempt of Botha and De Wet to invade Natal foiled.
- 29.—Proclamation issued in Pretoria providing for the sale of the properties of Boers still in the field, in accordance with Lord Kitchener’s proclamation.
- 30.—Great attack by Delarey and Kemp on Colonel Kekewich’s camp near Magato Nek, in the Magaliesberg. Boers repulsed. Severe losses on both sides. The Scottish Horse especially distinguished themselves and sustained severe loss.
- 6.—General Walter Kitchener and General Bruce-Hamilton engaged Botha’s forces in the south-east of the Transvaal. Botha escaped to the north.
- 9.—Martial law extended to the whole of Cape Colony.
- 11.—Commandant Lotter sentenced to death. Death sentence on five members of his commando was commuted to penal servitude for life.
- 13.—Lieut.-Colonel Hon. J. Byng attacked laager at Jackfontein and captured eighteen prisoners.
- 15.—Major Damant took prisoner Adjutant Theron. Colonel de Lisle surprised laager at Wilge River and captured fifteen prisoners.
- 16.—Colonel Rawlinson returned to Standerton with twenty prisoners and many prizes.
- 21.—Colonel Lukin surprised Vander Venter’s laager near New Bethesda.
- 22.—Colonel Benson captured laager at Klippoortje.
- 23.—Gallant attack on laager in Pongola Bosch.
- 24.—Colonel von Donop’s brilliant defeat of 1000 Boers at Kleenfontein.
- 25.—Botha’s farm surrounded at Schimmelhoek. His papers captured.
- 26.—Colonel Benson repulsed attack on hi class="hangindent"s rearguard on the Steenkool Spruit.
- 27.—Colonel Williams’ force occupied the Witnek Pass and routed a strong body of Boers from the position.
- 30.—Attack on Colonel Benson’s force[Pg viii] at Bakenlaagte. Colonel Benson and Colonel Guinness killed.
- Colonel Kekewich captured a laager at Beestekraal.
- 2.—Patrol under Captain Walker captured twenty-one prisoners near Wolvekop.
- 7.—Attack on Piquetberg repulsed by garrison under Major Wilson and Town Guard.
- General B. Hamilton commenced operations against Botha in the Eastern Transvaal.
- 8.—Major Wiggin (26th Mounted Infantry) surrounded laager near Mahamba. Fourteen prisoners secured.
- 9.—Line blown up at Myburg Siding by Fouché.
- 11.—Major Pack Beresford and detachment of South African Constabulary captured laager at Doornhoek.
- 13.—Squadron Imperial Yeomanry detached from Hickie’s force surprised and surrounded. Rescued by reinforcements.
- 14.—Rearguard of Colonel Byng’s column attacked near Heilbron by 400 of the enemy under De Wet. Boers repulsed. British loss considerable.
- 16.—Further captures by Major Wiggin within Swaziland border.
- 18.—Lieutenant Welshman with patrol of West Yorkshire Regiment surprised party of Boers and captured eight prisoners.
- 20.—Engagement with Buys near Villiersdorp. Major Fisher killed. Buys captured by Colonel Rimington.
- Captain Elliot successfully engaged Boers in Griqualand. Captain Elliot killed. Three officers wounded.
- 24.—General Dartnell, with Highland Light Infantry, engaged Boers near Harrismith. Captured twelve and killed two.
- Offer of Canadian Government to raise 600 more troops for service in South Africa accepted.
- 25.—General Dartnell’s force surprised Boers near Bethlehem and took twelve prisoners.
- 26.—Lord Basing engaged Joubert in Orange River Colony. Joubert wounded and captured.
- Major Pack Beresford attacked convoy near Paardeberg.
- 27.—Imperial Light Horse under Colonel Mackenzie took twenty-four prisoners, &c.
- Attack on Colonel Rimington’s rearguard by De Wet repulsed. Many prisoners taken.
- 28.—Van Rensburg and thirteen burghers captured by Colonel Lowry Cole in Wepener district.
- 1.—General Elliot reached Kroonstad with 15 prisoners, 114 waggons, 89 carts, 2470 cattle, and 1280 horses.
- 3.—Colonel Colenbrander broke up Badenhorst’s commando, and took fifteen prisoners and all the waggons.
- 4.—Laager surprised at Oshoek (twenty miles from Ermelo) by Spens’ and Rawlinson’s columns. Ninety-three prisoners taken.
- 7.—Colonel C. Mackenzie, in night march towards Watervaal (Eastern Transvaal), took sixteen prisoners.
- Colonel Holland surprised Brand’s laager and took six Boers.
- 11.—Badenhorst and twenty-two burghers secured by Colonels Colenbrander and Dawkins, near Zandriverspoort.
- 13.—Brilliant surprise of Boers by General B. Hamilton at Witkraus. Laager broken up. One of Benson’s guns recovered.
- 15.—Secretary of State for War congratulated General Bruce-Hamilton on his brilliant achievements.
- 16.—Haasbroek killed in encounter with Colonel Barker’s men in the Doornberg.
- Capture of Kruitzinger by Colonel Dorans’ and Lord Charles Bentinck’s columns.
- 18.—Colonel Steele, with South African Constabulary, captured thirty-six Boers in the region of the Magaliesberg.
- Four hours’ fighting between De Wet and General Dartnell. Boers driven off.
- Lord Methuen reported capture of thirty-two Boers.
- [Pg ix]
- 19.—Colonel Allenby captured thirty-two of the enemy near Heidelberg.
- 20.—Colonel Damant attacked by 800 Boers. Two officers killed, three wounded. Boers repulsed.
- 21.—Capture of Smuts’ convoy, near Bothwell, by Colonel Mackenzie.
- 22.—Seven hundred Cape raiders attacked columns of Colonels Wyndham and Crabbe. Were driven off with loss of five killed and twenty wounded.
- 23.—Successful attack on Grobelaar’s laager by General B. Hamilton.
- 24.—Colonel Du Moulin surprised laager near Jagersfontein. Captured two Field-Cornets and twenty other Boers.
- 25.—Colonel Firman’s camp at Tweefontein rushed by huge force under De Wet.
- 28.—Successful engagement near Burghersdorp by Colonel Price. Field-Cornet Jan Venter killed.
- 3.—Capture of General Erasmus by General Bruce-Hamilton.
- 10.—Surprise of laager near Ermelo by Colonel Wing and capture of forty-two prisoners.
- 12.—More captures by General B. Hamilton.
- 13.—Fight for a convoy by De Villiers. Gallant charge of Munster Fusiliers.
- 16.—Capture of laager and twenty-four prisoners by Lord Methuen.
- 18.—Execution of Scheepers on various charges of murder at Graaff Reinet.
- Night expedition to Witbank. General Hamilton secured more prisoners.
- 21.—Colonels Park and Urmston engaged party of Boers under Muller and Trichardt, occasioning stampede of Boer Government from Houtenbek.
- 24.—Important captures by General Plumer’s troops. Thirty burghers secured by Colonel Fry, West Yorkshire Regiment.
- Attack on Pietersburg repulsed. Volunteer Town Guard distinguished itself.
- 25.—Capture of Viljoen near Kruger’s Post by detachment of Royal Irish under Major Orr.
- 26.—Successful engagement on the Modder by Major Driscoll’s column.
- Huge laager at Nelspan dispersed by General Bruce-Hamilton’s force.
- 27.—Colonel Du Moulin killed in a night attack on his camp. Enemy repulsed by Major Gilbert (Sussex Regiment).
- 30.—Colonel Rawlinson’s troops after tremendous march surprised Manie Botha’s laager and made valuable captures.
- 31.—Capture of convoy at Groothoop by Colonel Rimington.
- 2.—De Wet’s commando gallantly charged by New Zealanders, Queensland Imperial Bushmen, and South African Light Horse. Enormous captures.
- 4.—Capture and destruction of British convoy by Boers in Cape Colony. Major Crofton killed.
- 5.—Surprise and capture of Commandant S. Alberts’ laager by Scottish Horse under Major Leader.
- 6.—Major Vallancey dispersed Beyers’ commando. Gigantic movement to entrap De Wet started.
- 7.—De Wet, by brilliant manœuvre, ruptured the British cordon and escaped.
- 8.—Big capture from Potgieter’s laager by Colonel von Donop’s force.
- 13.—Bouvers’ laager in Cape Colony rushed by Colonel Kavanagh’s men.
- 18.—Capture of Judge Hugo in Cape Colony. Boers cut off and surrounded a portion of squadron of Scots Greys south-east of Springs.
- 20.—Two laagers surprised by Colonel Park’s troops; 164 prisoners taken.
- 21.—Capture of laager at Buffelskloof by Colonel E. Williams’ column.
- 24.—Some East Griqualand rebels surrendered to Colonel Stanford.
- 25.—Determined attack on Colonel von Donop’s convoy by Delarey and Kemp. Waggons lost. Escort, which made gallant defence, overpowered. Five British officers and fifty-three men killed; six officers and 123 men wounded; others taken prisoners.
- 26.—Jacob’s laager captured by Colonel Driscoll.
- 27.—Anniversary of Majuba. Combined operations for driving Boers against Harrismith-Van Reenan’s[Pg x] blockhouse line. Manie Botha killed; 600 Boers killed, wounded, or prisoners. Splendid defence by New Zealanders under Major Bauchop and New South Wales Mounted Infantry under Colonel Cox.
- 28.—Capture of Boers near Steynsdorp by Captain Holgate (Steinacker’s Horse).
MARCH 1902.
- 6.—Colonel Ross (Canadian Scouts) made valuable captures in a cave near Tafel Kop.
- 7.—Successful attack by Delarey on Lord Methuen’s force at Tweebosch. Lord Methuen seriously wounded and taken prisoner.
- 11.—Close of big drive in Orange River Colony; 127 Boers taken. Commandant Celliers wounded.
- 12.—Many prisoners captured by Colonel Ternan and Colonel Pilcher.
- 13.—Little garrison of fifty men at Fort Edward surrounded by Beyers’ commando.
- 15.—Attack on laager near Vryheid by General Bruce-Hamilton. General Cherry Emmett captured.
- 16.—Rebels at Sliphock captured by Captain Bowker.
- 17.—Some of Bezuidenhout commando captured in Cape Colony by Colonel Baillie.
- 18.—Lieutenant Williams, a notorious train-wrecker, captured by National Scouts.
- 21.—Colonel Harrison sent out from Pietersburg small force under Colonel Denny to relief of Fort Edward. Advance opposed by Boers.
- 23.—Arrival at Pretoria of so-called Acting Transvaal Government to discuss the terms of peace.
- 26.—Death of Cecil John Rhodes.
- 28.—Colonel Colenbrander from Krugersdorp moved to Pietersburg and from thence accomplished relief of Fort Edward.
- 29.—Total defeat of Beyers and dispersal of investing commando.
- 30.—Serious railway accident at Barberton.
- 31.—Delarey defeated in engagement with Colonels Keir and Cookson. R.H.A. Rifles, Canadian Rifles, and 28th Mounted Infantry distinguished themselves.
APRIL 1902.
- 1.—Laager surprised by 2nd Dragoon Guards near Springs. Four officers wounded.
- 3.—State funeral of the late Mr. Rhodes at Cape Town.
- 4.—Ookief invested by Commandant Smuts.
- 8.—Successful attack on Beyers’ laager near Pietersburg by Colonels Colenbrander and Murray.
- 9.—Conference between Transvaal and Orange Free State leaders at Klerksdorp in regard to negotiations for peace.
- 10.—Burial of Cecil John Rhodes in the Matoppos.
- “They left him alone in his glory.”
- 11.—Meeting of Boer representatives at Klerksdorp in relation to Peace movement. Colonel Kekewich defeated Boers in Western Transvaal and captured two guns and a pom-pom.
- 12.—Laager at Schweizerreneke surprised by Colonel Rochfort. Fifty-five prisoners taken.
MAY 1902.
- 1.—Relief of Ookiep by British troops under Colonels Cooper and Caldwell.
- 2.—Lieutenant Murray (District Mounted troops) killed at Tweefontein by Boers in kharki.
- 6.—Pieter de Wet sentenced by Treason Court to pay a fine of £1000 or undergo two years’ imprisonment.
- 9.—Patrol attacked by Boers near Middelburg, Cape Colony. Captain Hinks killed.
- 15.—Members of the late Governments met together to discuss Peace proposals.
- 17.—Surrender of Hinton, the notorious train-wrecker.
- 20.—Delegates of late Governments arrived at Pretoria to arrange terms of surrender.
- 27.—Malan mortally wounded and captured by Jansenville District Mounted Horse (under Major Collett), and Lovat’s Scouts.
- 30.—Peace Agreement signed.